Are you stuck in a disruptive behavior loop?
I get it. Whenever my team is complaining about that one team member’s attitude, I tire of the whining & aggravation too.
And I’m here to tell you, if you’re dreading the stress of doing your job, it’s because you’re making it about you.
Instead, think about how you know deep down this team was created for doing great work.
Think about how your teammates are in the middle of mastering the new skills that you’re teaching.
You’re a team of trailblazers!
Projecting resilience in the face of anxiety, is hard. Use your alpha state of mind to take a step back, so that patience shall have it’s perfect work.
How do I teach my students to fail profitably?
Teaching to fail, adapt and bounce back stronger, makes them courageous and prepares them for life’s next level challenges. When kids feel threatened they relive mental suffering, and become at risk for excessive anxiety when life gets complicated.
When your apprentice has those let downs, allow them to know that you understand how frustrated and disappointed they are. Give them the space they need to properly process their thoughts and feelings.
Give circumstances time to pause.
This is a teachable moment for all.
Then, when the relationship is ready, have a conversation. Chat about what was difficult, what has been learned and how the relationships with self and others can move forward successfully.
Model how you handle your own ups and downs on the journey to success.
Be defenseless and transparent.
Share how challenging moments are part of life and it’s okay that things don’t always go our way.
Help them to remember, “You’re not failing, You’re in the middle of succeeding.”
Everything shifts with this heart-centered approach.