It happens. Every time someone wants to have a private conversation.

She overthinks. Over feels. Is overwhelmed, then panics.

For the record: she is a highly sensitive soul. A highly emotional, tender-hearted, deep thinker. And meltdowns are her resistance to growth.  

~ relax Dear. And trust that your Creator has your back ~

Again, it happened.
Her emotional sensitivities became extremely frightened in response to sensory stimuli.
She is having difficulty communicating what's scaring her. And projects anxiety with extreme avoidance.

She's gotta do something different this time.

Against her on impulse to cling to her comfort zone.
She removed the fear.

She processed judgement, awareness, and acceptance through a consciousness of Love. Hoping to release herself of the burden of trying to keep her ego comforted; with the hope that she could reallocate the energy. 


It worked. From the moment that she believed in the possibility. She felt encouraged. Her presence is calmer. She is sleeping better. The happy, healthy new life that she prayed for is emerging.

Letting go of the need to control how the story plays out, opens up the possibility to enjoy the simple pleasures of everyday life.