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Anyone else need a spiritual revival?

Perhaps you’re being dumped on by stress or just too busy to take a deep breath?

For me?

Well I must become intentional with Ms Patience ‘cause Mr Boredom is a gateway to the low vibes of overthinking, bad habits, then regret.

The powerful truth about your voice is that, your subconscious does not know the difference between past, present or future. It is responding to what you’re currently feeding it and delivering you more of the same, if it’s not intercepted by fears or doubt.

Because I take soaking baths, I use this alone time to go deep.

After adjusting the water pressure and temperature to a very warm, soothing and comfortable setting.

I toss in the aromatherapy bath bomb.

Begin by closing my eyes and focusing on my breath. I notice how I feel as I sit and breathe.

Inhale : I feel the cleansing energy of the vapors flowing in through your nostrils.

Exhale : I release trapped energy that’s causing a buildup of tension, stress, negative thoughts and emotions.

Now that I’ve gotten quickly relaxed. I use my voice to remind my soul..,

Self-Talk : I am grateful that I can sit in a comfortable position. I feel rooted, safe, and relaxed from the top of my head through my seat.

With my eyes closed, I imagine that this water is washing out all of my anxiety, stress, and worry. And that I shall gain a word of knowledge from God.

No force in this universe, nothing in all creation will be able to separate me from His spiritual power that is being revealed to me in this present moment.

I know that difficulties shall come, but they are only here to strengthen the mind, I shall not fear.

That which I do not fear I can fully trust Him to overcome and I shall rejoice with gladness.♥️🙏