My blood pressure has been giving me trouble. I’m using several medications that are not helping. Why is God allowing me to suffer like this? -Marsha
Dear Marsha,
Our temple manifests truths. It’s awesome that you’re paying attention. Stay mindful of what & how you digest stimulus. Believe me when I say, “not all sickness and disease is a physical, mental or spiritual attacks.”
My blood pressure has been elevated because of; emotional stress: that was when my dad was battling cancer, physical stress: when I’ve been inactive for too long, I need to ease back into exercise, spiritual: our words create our reality,
I’ve definitely said “I don’t feel good or I’ve got a headache” a time or two. When I should’ve said some thing more like, “I am the picture of perfect health. I clean and polish it daily.”
While you’re working with your health care practitioner, look at other ways to target the blood pressure and above all don’t stress because it’s troubling you. It will always increase and decrease, moment by moment.
The next time an attack shows it’s ugly face believe and speak to it, “I am incredibly grateful for all of my success.” instead. Then tell it to go! As you would a stray dog.
Here’s the good news! In the struggle you’re learning to trust in truth. To fear not. To believe that “no matter how tough the circumstances I win!”
Continue to resist to believe the stories of fear. Go on seeking comfort in victory.
Try reflecting and journal on these topics:
I use positive thinking to manifest a positive life.
I choose to think positive and create a wonderful life for myself.
I find it easy to succeed at everything I do.
People look at me and wonder how I so naturally attract success.
I think BIG and expect BIGGER.
I act fearlessly.
The universe always provides for my success.
I am so happy and grateful for my life.
Things have a way of working themselves out.
I have such an amazing life.
I am so lucky. Life is rigged in my favor.
I love who I am and I love my life.
My goals and dreams always come true.
I am passionate about constantly being better and more successful.
Somehow the universe just always helps me achieve my goals.
My dreams are materializing before my very eyes.
The wealth of the universe is circulating in my life and flowing to me in avalanches of prosperity.